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Mission & Purpose

We face many challenges in our world from climate, macroeconomics and the divide of our society as a whole.

People need to be educated and empowered to be able to adapt to various challenges and opportunities. This is where my „Why“ comes in: I am an evangelist for entrepreneurship culture & beyond. I educate & coach entrepreneurs because I believe that relevant change comes from a deep self-understanding of what sustainable entrepreneurship means.

Empowering today’s Entrepreneurs with Capital, Industry Access is at the core of my work.

What others are saying



Gründung der Founders Foundation gGmbH von Sebastian Borek, Dominik Gross und der Bertelsmann Stiftung


Anstoß des Pioneers Clubs, einem Coworking Space auf 1.200 m² für Mittelständler, Startups und Digital Expert:innen.


Umzug in das neue Founders Home, das Gründerzentrum über 4 Etagen und 2.500 m² im Herzen der Bielefelder Altstadt.


Jährliche Hinterland of Things Konferenz mit über 420 Startups, 150 Future Founder, 500 Corporates und 150 Investor:innen.

Curious Discover Inspire & Motivate Act with Ideas

I invest because Capital needs to be re-navigated to fuel innovation. Furthermore capital is the most fluid asset and a great way how incumbent resources can support new innovations and ambitious entrepreneurs. To me this is the “Generationenvertrag”

I connect unique resources such as Industry Access, Innovation, Capital for research & Science to direct them to entrepreneurial activities.

Finding and matching Resources in a new and mission driven order is my main ambition, by growing people & companies